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Junior Cricket
Senior Cricket
Highfields and Districts Railway Bulldogs Cricket Club - SENIORS
Training - Sundays from 2 pm & Wednesday evenings from 6 pm at Kratzke Road oval behind Mary Mackillop School
Highfields & Districts Railway Bulldogs Info - Seniors
Senior cricket is played from October through to March/April. It is played on Saturday afternoons with the occasional Saturday/Sunday games. A small break is held over the Christmas New Year period.
Senior Cricket is played in A, Reserve, B, C and D grades.
The games played are 2 day, 1 day games and T20 (for A Grade)
You will be able to check if the games are on due to wet weather by checking the Wet Weather link
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Helpful Links
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Competition Statistics
Individual Statistics
Remember to right click over the link and "Open in new window" if you don't want to leave the Bulldogs page
JUNIOR SIGN ON Register your kids for a fun and exciting season of cricket with the Highfields & Districts Railway Bulldogs Cricket Club. Dear Parents, It is that time of year again when we start to think of the coming cricket season. Just a quick email to let you know that the registrations…
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Keep an eye out for us if you need help
Tony Morrish
Club President
Brett Lyons
Vice President Juniors
Dane Little
Child Protection Officer
Tony Anderson
Vice President Seniors
Annika Ehrlich
Club Secretary
Club Registrar
Alan Donges
Club Treasurer
Dylan Harvey
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